Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Doctor Confirmed!

I had a follow up to my last ultrasound yesterday with my Doctor (Dr. Byrne. and I love him. He has dry/sarcastic humor and EXCELLENT bedside manner. LOVE that. Also, he delivers ALL of his babies.). 
He told me that everything looks incredible. Everything is progressing beautifully. Baby Edwards measured crown to rump length of 2.5 CM. And like I said in the last post, the BPM was 170! 

Dr. Byrne asked me all the routine questions:
Any nausea? - nope
Any morning sickness?- nada
Cramps?- zip
Are your boobs sore?- not really. They were. But it's not bothersome anymore.
How's your energy?- Really great actually! I was really tired everyday in the afternoon, but now I feel much more energized. 

So Dr. Byrne says, "wow! you're boring! I love that you're boring!" 
lol so do do I. 
I could so be on that show "I didn't know I was pregnant". I mean, obviously, I would have figured it out eventually when my period didn't come....but I've really had little to no symptoms. Yay me! Thank you, sweet baby E, for not wreaking my body in the first trimester. 

Tomorrow marks 11 weeks for me! I think I will begin taking belly photos. Shirt on! I wont do the bare belly until I actually get maternity photos done. I do have a bit of a bump now. So I think it's time I start documenting this in photos. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ultrasound #2

We didn't get any photos :( This information was specifically for my doctor to make sure I was progressing normally. I wish I would have had Aaron take video because it was truly amazing. The ultrasound was last week on thursday. Babies BPM was 170! (old wives tale predicts the higher the heart rate, the more likely it is that you will have a girl. *fingers crossed*) Anyway, we saw the baby wiggling around. He or she was quite active! We thought we saw some big balls, but obviously at nine weeks, that would be impossible lol. Crown to rump measurement put me right on where I should be at 9.5 weeks.

Baby Edwards' First photo

There's the baby!
The day after I found out, I went in for a blood test. Levels were nice and high! Ultrasound was ordered.  Aaron was able to go (yay!). We went in the next week. Now, I calculated around 5 weeks. Turns out, I was almost 8 weeks along! I had NO idea! I'm one of the "lucky ones", I guess! I haven't had any morning sickness, and generally little to no symptoms. My body is awesome. haha. Sorry to anyone who is reading this that has or has had bad morning sickness :( Watch, I'll get it full force on my second pregnancy. Great. I just jinxed myself. 
Anyway, we heard and saw the heartbeat. 150 BPM at 7 weeks and 5 days. We're so happy! 

Estimated time of arrival: February 19, 2012
*fingers crossed* for a Valentine's Day baby. I love pink and hearts, so this all works out. AND, we adopted our beloved kitty, Tiger, on Valentine's Day two years ago. 

Surprise! We're pregnant!

Here's the story:
So Aaron and I have been trying for almost 2 years now and had 3 painful miscarriages. We recently decided to stop actively trying. And BAM, we're pregnant. One morning, I decided to take a test because something was off. Something didn't quite feel right. So I was sittin' there thinking, "there's just no way. I'm just taking this test to take it, and I'll move on. I know what it will say". Then I looked back at where I had placed the test. "nope. WAIT! what?!" And there before my very eyes, were two dark lines! I cried some happy tears and then immediately called Aaron. I so wanted to tell him in a special way, but we've tried so hard for so long, that I couldn't contain myself and wait till he got home from work. So I called. I told him he was gonna be a DAD! He goes, "what?!" and I told him again. He kind of giggled while saying "that's great!" I think we were both just shocked. We talked for a bit about the news and exchanged I love you's. 
And then I called my mom, who was at the grocery store. I asked if she had a second. And I told her that she may want to stop what she was doing for a second. (that must have scared her. Sorry mom!). I told her, and she was so excited for us. Then I told her not to tell anyone yet. So directly after she tells the cashier. That's my mom for ya....just couldn't contain herself, even though I JUST told her to not tell anyone ;) 
Then I called my Dad. I asked him if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to be a Papa or a Grandpa? HAHA he goes, "Whaaaat? You're just a little girl!" He was just joking, of course :) He was very happy for us and excited. Later on in the conversation, I said, "you didn't answer my question. What do you want to be called?" He says, "let's just stick with 'Dad' for now" lol...ok dad. Get ready Grandpa!
I let Aaron tell his family when he was ready to. 

Needless to say, Aaron and I are ecstatic that we're going to be a mommy and daddy to someone finally. We've waited a long time for this, and it's finally happening. It's unbelievable. 

p.s. I will update as often as I can. I am going to keep most of my pregnancy stuff off of Facebook because I know that I am not the only one that has struggled with infertility. I am very sensitive to that, so I am not going to blast this all over Facebook for everyone to see.